ACTM Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday 4/23 @ 7pm
Join Via Zoom
view the slides
watch last year's recording
Who should attend? If you are scheduled to volunteer on Friday 4/25 or Saturday 4/26, please plan to attend or watch the recording.
Sign Up to Volunteer Below
Please add info@signupgenius.com to your allowed senders.
Free meet t-shirts ARE provided for meet volunteers, but NOT for SPHS practice volunteers.
*Please ONLY sign up on ONE JOB unless you have discussed doing more than one job with a committee member.
Help Out with Official SPHS Practices
Job Descriptions/Instructions:
SPHS Practice Volunteer Instructions
Help Out with Field Events (Fri 4/25)
SIGN UP for Field Events Jobs
Help Out with Running Events (Sat 4/26)
* The Group Escort role involves guiding a specific grade and gender group of kids to and from their events. Please do not sign up for more than one group. Times and responsibilities overlap.
*Relay team "coaches" should sign up to be grade group escorts for the group they are coaching.
SIGN UP for General Running Event Roles * over 100 positions!
SIGN UP for Marengo Group Escort
SIGN UP for AV Group Escort
SIGN UP for MHS Group Escort
SIGN UP for Holy Family Group Escort
Job Descriptions/Instructions:
Group Escorts:
Group Escorts - Kinder, 1st, 2nd
Group Escorts - 3rd, 4th, 5th
Other Jobs:
Entrance/Check-In Table Volunteers
Nurse/First Aid
Grandstand Aisle Monitors
Event Sign Holders
Crossing Guards
Podium Helpers
Heat Assignors & Race Starter for K-2
Heat Assignors & Race Starter for 3-5
Relay Hand-Off Lane Monitor for 3-5
Finish Line Managers K-2
Finish Line Managers 3-5
Finish Line to Results Table Escort K-2
Podium Line Escorts K-2
Results Database Manager
Help Out with Planning & Preparation
To help out your school's committee:
Reach out to ACTM Chair listed below:
Arroyo Vista: Emma Holm, eknesper@gmail.com
Marengo: Noel Garcia garciarobb@gmail.com
MHS: Georgeanna Cheung, mhsactm@gmail.com
Holy Family: Paul Ripple, pmripple@ymail.com
To help with overall event planning and organization:
Reach out to Event Organizers:
Megan Gardner & Gina Loyonnet, info@spactm.org
Job Descriptions/Instructions:
T-Shirt Bundling & Distribution
Relay Tryouts Organizers
Relay Coaches
Practice Volunteers
Registration/Website Management
T-Shirt Bundling & Distribution
Relay Tryouts Organizers
Relay Coaches
Practice Volunteers
Registration/Website Management