
ACTM Volunteer Orientation

Wednesday 4/23 @ 7pm
Join Via Zoom
view the slides
watch last year's recording 

Who should attend?  If you are scheduled to volunteer on Friday 4/25 or Saturday 4/26, please plan to attend or watch the recording. 

Sign Up to Volunteer Below
Please add info@signupgenius.com to your allowed senders.
Free meet t-shirts ARE provided for meet volunteers, but NOT for SPHS practice volunteers.

*Please ONLY sign up on ONE JOB unless you have discussed doing more than one job with a committee member.

Help Out with Official SPHS Practices

SIGN UP for Marengo Practice
SIGN UP for MHS & Holy Family Practice
SIGN UP for AV Practice
*Practice dates are TBD but will take place the week of April 14th or April 21st

Job Descriptions/Instructions:
SPHS Practice Volunteer Instructions

Help Out with Field Events (Fri 4/25)

Help Out with Running Events (Sat 4/26)

* The Group Escort role involves guiding a specific grade and gender group of kids to and from their events.  Please do not sign up for more than one group. Times and responsibilities overlap.

*Relay team "coaches" should sign up to be grade group escorts for the group they are coaching.  

SIGN UP for General Running Event Roles * over 100 positions!
SIGN UP for Marengo Group Escort
SIGN UP for AV Group Escort
SIGN UP for MHS Group Escort
SIGN UP for Holy Family Group Escort

Help Out with Planning & Preparation

To help out your school's committee:

Reach out to  ACTM Chair listed below:
Arroyo Vista:  Emma Holm, eknesper@gmail.com
Marengo: Noel Garcia garciarobb@gmail.com
MHS: Georgeanna Cheung, mhsactm@gmail.com
Holy Family: Paul Ripple, pmripple@ymail.com

To help with overall event planning and organization:

Reach out to Event Organizers:
Megan Gardner & Gina Loyonnet, info@spactm.org

Job Descriptions/Instructions:
T-Shirt Bundling & Distribution
Relay Tryouts Organizers
Relay Coaches
Practice Volunteers
Registration/Website Management